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Clearbox Intranet and Employee Experience Platforms Report 2023

Clearbox Consulting's "Intranet and EX Platforms 2023" report is out! Worksy (as Juno Intranet) is among the best products in the market. Check out the report and discover Worksy's most loved features!

SOCAR Turkey Customer Story

See how SOCAR Turkey improved its internal communication processes using Worksy.

5 Current Employee Experience and Workplace Trends

Discover 5 employee experience and workplace trends that you must know.

Workplace and Employee Trends: What Will 2023 Bring

Discover the workplace and employee trends will shape the business world in 2023.

Create Personalized Employee Experience in 5 Steps

Discover how to create a personalized employee experience in just 5 steps.

Improve Your Communication With Frontline Workers

Discover how you can improve your communication with frontline workers effectively.

AGT Customer Story

See how AGT transferred all its internal comms processes to one single platform.

Anadolu Isuzu Customer Story

See how Anadolu Isuzu enhanced its communication with frontline employees.

How Does Moving to the Digital Workplace Increase Efficiency

Discover how you can increase your company's efficiency by moving your business to the digital workplace.

+30 companies from +15 different industries have trusted Worksy.

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